Saturday, September 16, 2023

Ascending Masters Teqchings

Your hearth is the very center of your being; it is the center of your feelings, the center where the pressure of tge light can first be felt then seen and then it can be seen.The light of God stands above all the world. And you are that light.

Whatsoever you attention is upon that shall you become. Attention is a great lens by which you focus energy. And cintrok your being.
What you are, what you experience at any given moment is simply the result of what you have allowed your attention to be focused upon.

In the center of your being you have a Divine director the Consciousness of rhe real you that will guide and direct you in your choice at every moment if you will turn your attention to it. And it is a Great Blazing Sun within you.

Saint Germain discourse:
Through Visualization you have the power to create the same power that God Infinite Mind created all things.

It is necessary to control your thoughts and feelings for what Master means more that any single thing, is one that has complete Dominion over those dual activities of his Flame.

When your thoughts abd feelings are disciplined you have the reins of your control in your hands.

You must guard your worlds against the strays the unpleasant things that seems to close on you humanely created forms given independent life by the sustaining power of feeling charged intonthem by their creator.

Stray thoughts and feelings harm that sensitive magnetic, electronic body of yours, which is your spiritual dwelling and which you have beenstriving for so long and endured so much to purify.

But you are responsible you alone for what you allow into your world dismiss the force acting immediately and with thisbrespecr I suggest that you show no mercy.

In dealing with people through whom the force is working however you must allway remain kind and of corse natural.

Never do you have rhe right to discipline another who has free will and is responsible for himself.

Your inner Work concerns you alone , you must not  be the one to inflict anything on anyone else because of your lack of self discipline in this area.
SO be the master if your own world. Each is a gardenereach responsible for what is growing in the fertile soil of his own world.

Ifnyiungeel upset or ill because you have allowed something to grow there, it is because you have allowed something to grow there or something that you have caused to grow there yourself.

Then you must say to your God Self.

DearGid, please show me what isncausing this condition, and root it out of my world. attention of it forever. I know that it has no power other that what I have given it and allowed to take; and now by the power of God that I AM
I dissolve and consume it forever. Icall on the power of forgiveness.  See to it, please, that this never happens again . Thank you.

Source: I AM The Open Door Ascending Master Discourses